In this paragraph, farm for sale Costa Rica. This week was a very busy week. We not alone had to the regular maintenance and upkeep but we also managed to plant 24.000 slips as well as send 4 trucks to the packing house.
This week’s fruits are being shipped to the USA and Turkey.

- We exceeded our own expectations this week. Our estimations showed a rejection of about 4%. The norm is about 8%-10%. But we only had 0.85%! Even the packing house manager came down to the floor to verify the very high quality of fruits.
Fruit Numbers.
- The areas harvested had 23.186 fruits planted and we managed to send 21.600 to the packing house. The norm is about 85%-90% due to losses / damaged fruit.
however, These outstanding results mean that gross revenue per hectare will be over $30.000 / ha in Oct.
Farm for sale Costa Rica:
- Having lived part-time on-farm for sale in Costa Rica for the last decade, I have decided to return to Europe and live on a farm in Tuscany with my family. As such we are looking to sell this very successful farm in Costa Rica.
- The total farm area is 67 ha of which 40 ha are usable for the mechanized crop. We have been very successful in selling pineapples and would recommend this for the future owner/investor.
Other options are Yuca / Sugar Cane. They both are low-maintenance crops that have excellent sales potential and contracts are very easy to come around. The yields however can not be compared to fresh tropical fruit like Pineapple.

The farm can be sold will all inventory and the necessary machinery to operate the farm.
There is a very generous income stream from day one, as well as 2 exclusive sales contracts to choose from. Both are very reliable and well know exporters located in Pital (the capital of pineapple in the Northern region).
Buy farm Costa Rica: This farm property is located in a prime location north of San Carlos in the region of Los Chiles. The farm has easy access to the main road which goes from Muelle to Los Chiles and onwards into Nicaragua.
Should you require more info, feel free to contact us.